Is our sports scene set in stone at this point or is there more room to grow? With the exclusion of e-sports, can we hope to see something new making emerging on the scene? Truth be told there are a lot of niche disciplines out there so only a number of them have a globally spread popularity. That being said, all sports started as niche sports and the attention they received gradually grew.
Betting is another indicator of whether the sports gets enough coverage. So, if you see a promotion like bet365 bonus code 2019 India, giving bonus funds for a particular sport, it’s safe to assume the sport is popular on multiple continents. This brings us to the topic of Volfsball, a sport of the 21st century that is aiming to become the next big thing. Here we will go over Volfsball history, how it came to be, and explain how it is played.
What is Volfsball
Volfsball is a unique non-contact sport that is played on a circular pitch. It has elements from basketball, football, and cricket, but it still has its own identity and a less complicated set of rules. In other words, it is easy to pick up, engaging, and it does not demand top physical condition in order to be good at it.
The person who came up with the concept is called Marek Larwood, and he discussed the idea with his friends John Gordon and Lee Bannard, one day at the pub. When coming up with the name for the sport they knew it will have “ball” in it, just like many other sports. As for the “Volfs” part, it turned out the domain name Volfsball was available at the low price back then so they bought it and decided to stick with it. As you will see, once we go over the rules, the sport is still rough around the edges, but it has heart and it is fun, so it would be wrong to assume it does not show promise.
Volfsball rules
At the center of the circular pitch is a so-called Volfsball stand. Stand consists of 6 inches high base, 6 feet tall and 15 inches wide triangular prism, and on top of it is a 12.5 inches hoop. The stand is located in a no-go zone which is 4 meters in diameter and it is enveloped by the defending zone. The defending zone is 3 meters in diameter and the defending team will stand in this zone in order to prevent the attacking team to score points. Surrounding the defending zone is the attacking zone, which is also 3 meters in diameter, and here the attacking team is located and has a task to score points.
The points are scored by hitting the prism, or by sending the ball through the loop – hitting prism is 1 point or 3 if the ball was kicked, throwing the ball through the loop is 5 points or 10 if player kicked the ball through. The attacking team is allowed to throw the ball, kick the ball, or bounce it with their heads. The player who holds the ball is not allowed to move, he or she can only shoot or pass the ball to another player. If the ball ends up out of bounds, the defending and attacking team switch positions.